Welcome to the DC Universe Chronology.
This feature lists the stories which take place in the DC Multiverse. Stories are separated by the individual universe in which they occur and are sorted in chronological order. Stories may contain multiple events (known as sequences) which occur during different time periods. Therefore, the same story may appear in the Chronology more than once.
The Chronology is not intended to be a reading order. Comics may be read in whichever order the reader chooses.
Stories published by DC, but taking place outside the DC Universe, will not be listed in the Chronology.

The Controls: There are five different control selectors that can be used to filter and search the chronology.
The first control selector is Universe. This setting allows you to select which one of DC's major publishing universes you want to view. The choices are: Earth-2 (the original DC universe populated by the heroes of the Golden Age); Earth-1 (the classic DC universe populated by the heroes of the Silver Age); Post-Crisis (the primary DC universe from 1986-2011); Earth-S (featuring Captain Marvel's Golden Age adventures). An option for Earth-4 (featuring the Charlton Action Heroes), New 52, and a Marvel Comics chronology are under consideration for future development.
The second control is Display Order. This allows the selection to be sorted either chronologically by in universe events or in order of publication. For example when set to "Chronological", all the Superboy stories will precede those featuring Superman because they happened first. When set to "Publication", the stories will appear in the order published so Superman and Superboy stories will be mixed together.
The next control is Character. This control allows you to filter the list, so that only stories in which the selected character appears will appear on the list. To reset the list to all characters choose the "..." option.
The next control is Start Year. This option allows you to advance the list to a given point in time. When sorted by publication order, some selections may return no results. For example selecting 30th century for the start year would return nothing since no comics have been published in the 30th century. However if 1978 were selected, the list will show stories published from 1978 and later. When the Display Order is set to Chronological however, the internal chronology is used, so selecting 30th century would take you directly to the Legion of Super-Heroes stories.
The final control is Go to Sequence. This number is dynamically assigned after each of the other controls is set. It can then be used to advance quickly through the list. For example if you select the Earth-1 Superman who has more than 2000 appearances, it could take a long time to advance through the list 50 at a time (records are displayed in groups of 50). To skip ahead, simply choose a higher number, and the list will skip forward to that point. The sequence numbers can be found to the right of the listings.
All characters, logos, and images are owned and © 2025 by current copyright holders.
They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
Remaining material © 1997-2025 Mike's Amazing World of Comics