Who was Mike?

Mike was a lifelong comic collector and web developer who created this site in 1997 as a resource for his own collection. See Mike's Origin for additional details.

Who built the website?

Mike built everything on this site himself. He was a professional web developer. The design, code and content were all created by Mike.

Is the information on Mike's Amazing World still being updated?

Yes. Mike has ensured that the website will continue to function and new material is still being added frequently. The addition of current comics (2024-up) has been temporarily suspended in favor of building out older material. However, 2024-up material is still being tracked offline and will be included at some future date.

When will *FILL IN THE BLANK* be added to the website?

There is no set schedule for adding new comics, features, and/or content to the site. There are usually several initiatives in progress at any given time, so check back frequently for updates.

Will information for *FILL IN THE BLANK* publisher be added?

Mike has included information for all the MAJOR publishers. "Major" is defined as those companies that are (or were) in business 20 years or more, and that have published a minimum of 5000 books (not including variants or trades). There are ten of them which have their logos at the top of the page. Mike's also includes material from over 150 smaller publishers. While this isn't everything, it does include over 300,000 issues with more being added all the time.

I have **FILL IN THE BLANK** comic. How much is it worth?

Mike's is not a price guide. It's worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. Consult a comic dealer (online or at a comic store) or visit eBay.

Does Mike's buy or sell comics?

No. Mike's does not buy comics, and the collection is not for sale.

Where did the release dates originate?

Most issue listings use the magnify icon
that can be used to see date sources. There are a couple of articles about the methodology used in the Fanboy section of the website. These articles were written some years ago. An update using several unpublished documents written by Mike, may be coming in the future.

All characters, logos, and images are owned and © 2025 by current copyright holders.
They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
Remaining material © 1997-2025 Mike's Amazing World of Comics