
Name: Despero
Universe: Earth-1
Alter Ego: None
Occupation: Would-be Conqueror of the Universe
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
Known Relatives: None
Height: 6 ft. 5 in.
Weight: 289 lbs.
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Violet
First Appearance: Justice League of America #1

Born a mutant with an hypnotic third eye, on his interdimensional homeworld of Kalanor, Despero grew to become the planet's despotic dictator, using his super-powers to hold the gentle people of Kalanor in an iron grip. When Kalanoran scientist Jasonar and his daughter Saranna escaped to Earth in a dimensional traveler, they attracted the attention of the Flash, who enlisted the entire membership of the Justice League of America to help free Kalanor from Despero's rule.

Unfortunately, Despero learned of the Flash's plans and journied to Earth himself, where he used his hypnotic powers to place all the Justice Leaguers except Flash under a trance that held them immobile. Despero then challenged Flash to play a highly stylized game of chess for his teammates' freedom. When the speedster lost the rigged game, he and the other JLAers were teleported to different alien worlds where they were left to die. Using their super-powers, the JLAers escaped their prison worlds and returned to Earth, where they defeated Despero and returned him to Kalanor to face justice.

Though the Kalanoran's surgically removed Despero's third eye, his mutant body soon regenerated it and he escaped to Earth to seek vengeance against the Justice League. Several such attempts at destroying the JLA over the years have all ended in failure, and Despero is currently in custody on the prison planet Takron-Galtos.

An average athlete and hand-to-hand combatant, Despero's greatest power stems from the mutant third eye in the center of his forehead. This eye possesses almost unlimited hypnotic power, capable of projecting realistic illusions and entrancing virtually anyone. Over the years, Despero has continued to develop the power of his third eye so that it can now project beams of telekinetic energy, giving Despero the power of mind over matter, and enabling him to teleport objects and people anywhere in the universe he chooses. Despero is also a master telepath, able to scan the minds of an entire planet's population at once if he so desires.

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