Captain America Epic Collection:Society of Serpents TPB
Captain America Epic Collection:Society of Serpents TPB
Cover Credits
Penciller: Paul Neary
Inker: Jackson Guice

<< Comic List >>
Captain America: "Home Fires"
Captain America: "...and Other Strangers"
Captain America: "Double Dare"
Captain America: "Undercover of the Night"
Captain America: "Walk Upon England"
Captain America: "The Summoning"
Captain America: "Stop Making Sense"
Captain America: "The Body in Question"
Captain America: "Nomad Madcap Cap..."
Captain America: "Serpents of the World Unite"
Captain America: "Working..."
Captain America: "Deface the Nation"
Captain America: "Mission:Murder Modok"
Captain America: "Asylum"
Captain America: "The Hard Sell"
Captain America: "Creatures of Love"
Captain America: "Death-Throws"

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