Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Vol. 3 TPB
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Vol. 3 TPB
Cover Credits
Penciller: Ivan Reis
Inker: Oclair Albert

<< Comic List >>
Sinestro Corps: (Despotellis Spreads Fear)
Sinestro Corps: (Never Alone Again)
Sinestro Corps: (The Fear Within)
Sinestro Corps: (The Greatest Once the Greatest Again)
Sinestro Corps: "The Second Rebirth"
Green Lantern: "Fear & Loathing"
Green Lantern Corps: "The Gathering Storm"
Green Lantern: "Running Scared"
Green Lantern Corps: "The Battle of Mogo"
Green Lantern: "Broken Laws"
Green Lantern Corps: "The Battle of Ranx"
Green Lantern: "Home Invasion"
Green Lantern Corps: "Endgame"
Sinestro Corps: "Into the Sun"
Green Lantern Corps: "Hammer to Fall"
Green Lantern: "Birth of the Black Lantern"

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