Detective Comics #375
Detective Comics #375
Cover Credits
Artist: Irving H. Novick

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Title: "The Frigid Finger of Fate"
Pages: 14

Batman (of Earth-1)

Penciller: Chic Stone
Inker: Sid Greene

Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:Batman Vol. 3 TPB (2008)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Pete Maddox (dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • An unnamed bandit (no further appearances)
  • A gang of hired crooks (no further appearances)

Guest Appearance(s)

Pete Maddox discovers that when he sleeps in cold temperatures, his dream reveal the future. He uses this new ability to win money at the track. However, things go wrong when he tells people about the dreams. If he does, the dreams no longer come true.

Pete hires some crooks to rob a diamond exchange. Batman apprehends the crooks, who believe that Pete set them up. Pete then dreams he kills Batman. However, the crooks come after Pete. He tries to stop them by telling them about his plan to kill the Caped Crusader. By informing the crooks, Pete is no longer able to kill Batman, who apprehends the crooks.

Pete continues to use his ability, but he requires a colder temperature each time. When he tries to sleep in a butcher's freezer, the cold kills him.

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