Title: (Escape from the Island)
Pages: 4
Black Pirate (of Earth-1)
Artist: Sheldon Moldoff
Feature Character(s)
This story was not originally titled.
This story continued from the third story of Action Comics #23 and continues in the third story of Action Comics #25.
While waiting for Captain Ruff to return to the island containing his treasure, Jon Valor the Black Pirate recuperates from his earlier battles. He discovers the hiding place of the treasure and moves it to a new location, so that Ruff will not find it.
Eventually Captain Ruff does return to the island. While Ruff searches for his treasure, Jon sneaks on board and begins battling the crew. When he becomes trapped, he jumps off the ship, swims underneath, then rises on the far side. Before the crew can find him again, Jon climbs back on board and takes control of one of the ship's cannons.
Meanwhile, Captain Ruff has discovered his treasure missing. He suspects the Black Pirate and orders his men to return to the ship.