Superman #34
Superman #34
Cover Credits
Penciller: Kerry Gammill
Inker: Dennis Janke

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Title: "By Hook or by Crook"
Pages: 22

Superman (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Jerry Ordway
Penciller: Kerry Gammill
Inker: Dennis Janke
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Glenn Whitmore

Reprinted In:
Superman:The Exile & Other Stories Omnibus HC (2018)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • James Buchanan Sawyer (last appearance in Superman #15; no further appearances)
  • Jaime Sawyer (last appearance in Superman #15; no further appearances)
  • Residents of 19th Century London (in flashback; no further appearances)
  • Bobby Davis and his mother (no further appearances)
  • Dr. Rodriguez (no further appearances)
  • Gabrelli (head of security; no further appearances)
  • Several winged children (Oliver T. Wohl named; last appearance in Superman #15; no further appearances)
  • Mr. and Mrs. Wohl and Peg (their daughter; Oliver's family; no further appearances)

Flashback Appearance(s)

  • Skyhook (in flashback to the 1880s; real name Aleister Hook revealed; earliest chronological appearance; next appearance in Superman #15)

This story is continued in part from Action Comics #643.

The origin of Skyhook is revealed in flashback.

Maggie Sawyer is brought to the Project where she is met by Superman and her ex-husband. Maggie's daughter's Jaime has developed a skin condition as a result of her abduction by Skyhook. The winged villain's other child victims have also been brought to the Project in search of a cure.

Elsewhere, Skyhook abducts another child. He then uses a telepathic summons which prompts the children including Jaime to escape from the Project. Maggie and her ex-husband give chase, but they ultimately fail to catch the children.

Superman meets Maggie at the old church where they first encountered Skyhook. The creature has abducted more children and placed them in gestation pods where they will develop wings. Superman battles the creature and is wounded. The Man of Steel concludes that Skyhook is supernatural in nature. In the end, Skyhook is killed during the battle. Once he dies, the magic which transformed the children wears off, and they revert to normal.

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