Superman #44
Superman #44
Cover Credits
Artist: Jerry Ordway

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Title: "Dark Knight Over Metropolis"
Pages: 22

Superman (Post-Crisis)

Writer/Penciller: Jerry Ordway
Inker: Dennis Janke
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Glenn Whitmore

Reprinted In:
Superman:Dark Knight Over Metropolis TPB (2013)

Feature Character(s)

Guest Star(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Guest Appearance(s)

Other Character(s)

  • A Metropolis coroner (no further appearances)
  • Jennifer (Luthor's employee; no further appearances)
  • Morton Captuo (Edge's attorney; no further appearances)
  • A homeless man (no further appearances)

Cameo Appearance(s)

  • Amanda McCoy (in flashback; revealed to be dead)

Part 1 of 3

This story continues in Adventures of Superman #467.

Cat Grant is targeted by Intergang before she can testify against Morgan Edge. Jose Delgado, detective Slam Bradley, and Superman protect her from a mercenary named Blindspot. When his agent fails, Mannheim contracts two more super-powered criminals.

In Gotham City, Batman finds a radioactive ring in the possession of a homeless man. Batman traces the ring back to Metropolis and plans a trip to continue his investigation.

The ring belonged to Luthor, who now discovers it missing. The ring was stolen by Amanda McCoy who was recently killed.

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