Name: Blackstarr
Universe: Earth-1
Alter Ego: Rachael Berkowitz
Occupation: Rabble-Rouser and Super-Villainess
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: Party of Social Reform
Base of Operations: Chicago, Illinois
Known Relatives: Ida Berkowitz (mother), Chaim Berkowitz (father, deceased)
Height: 5 ft. 8 in.
Weight: 131 lbs.
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Golden
First Appearance: Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #13
Born in Warsaw in the mid-1930s to a simple Jewish tailor and his wife, Rachael Berkowitz saw her father gunned down by the Nazis, then spent her adolescence in a German concentration camp, her mind growing more and more twisted, until she came to believe that the Nazis' "Final Solution" had been correct.
Escaping to America at the war's end, the brilliant young woman received her first Ph.D. at the age of 18. She unlocked the secrets of the Unified Field Theory several years later, thus enabling her to tap into the primal forces of the universe, reshaping herself into the elemental being called Blackstarr.
Now possessed of extraordinary powers, Blackstarr began a political campaign of racist rhetoric designed to stir up anti-Semitic sentiment among the people. When Blackstarr's own people began a riot during a public rally in Chicago's Grant Park, Supergirl arrived on the scene to quell the disturbance and restore order. Realizing she faced the one person could thwart her well-laid plans, Blackstarr sought to destroy the Girl of Steel, but their repeated battles ultimately led only to Blackstarr's own apparent destruction when she was seemingly torn apart by the conflicting gravitational fields of two miniature black holes. Without their leader, Blackstarr's Nazi-like Party for Social Reform soon disbanded, dying with Blackstarr's monstrous dream.
By unlocking the secrets of the Unified Field Theory, a puzzle even Einstein was unable to solve, Blackstarr is able to tap into the very fabric of the cosmos, transforming herself into a being of almost infinite power. Among her abilities are the power to manipulate gravity, generate electromagnetic fields and fire concentrated barrages of photons, and produce miniature black holes of awesome gravitational power. She is also capable of teleporting herself and anyone else she chose over immeasurable distances.
Possessed of these almost unimaginable powers, Blackstarr finds physical combat unnecessary and thus her skills in that department have never been measured.
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