Captain Triumph
Captain Triumph

Name: Captain Triumph
Universe: Earth-2
Alter Ego: Lance Gallant
Occupation: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: An unnamed city
Known Relatives: Michael Gallant (brother, deceased)
Height: 6 ft. 1 in.
Weight: 198 lbs.
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
First Appearance: Crack Comics #27

Michael and Lance Gallant were born in 1919, and were identical twins, even to a curious T-shaped birthmark on the left wrist of each. As they grew up, they were inseparable, at least until Michael joined the U.S. Army Air Corps. It appears he was engaged in some secret work involving Acme Aircraft when the fateful day came:the 23rd birthday of the twins, in the fall of 1942.

Michael was in a hangar at Acme while Lance waited outside with Michael's fiancee, Kim Meredith. Suddenly, the hangar blew up. Though fatally wounded, Michael helped some survivors get to safety before succumbing.

Lance swore to avenge his death, and soon found that he would have Michael's assistance, for his brother's spirit appeared to him, with the information that when Lance rubbed his birthmark, the two would merge into one person, the mighty Captain Triumph.

So it was Captain Triumph who brought to justice those responsible for the explosion:Baron von Bragg and his underling, Otto Rotter.

Generally, only Lance could see Michael's spirit, which stayed nearby and often helped out with a bit of spying. But when Lance revealed his secret to Kim, Michael appeared to her. Kim remained close to Lance. Not long after, Lance also disclosed his secret to his friend Biff, a big, tough man who worked as a circus clown. Biff quit that job to become Captain Triumph's assistant.

Although he wore no mask or other disguise, Captain Triumph was never recognized as Lance Gallant. Doubtless the mystic power which transformed him was responsible.

Captain Triumph was last heard of in 1949. His current whereabouts, if Lance Gallant is still alive, are unknown, as is any occupation he may have had. Perhaps he was independently wealthy. This was certainly so after Biff invested their money in a rich gold mine in 1946.

Captain Triumph was supernaturally strong, as well as invulnerable to most harm. He could fly and become invisible at will.

These powers only existed when the Gallant twins became one through Lance rubbing his birthmark; to return to normal, he did the same. While on his own, Michael was invisible and inaudible to all but Lance and unable to have any influence on things in the material world.

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