Name: Mister Miracle
Universe: Post-Crisis
Alter Ego: Scott Free
Occupation: Escape Artist
Marital Status: Married
Group Affiliation: Justice League International; New Gods
Base of Operations: New York or Mobile
Known Relatives: Izaya (father), Barda (wife), Avia (mother, deceased), Big Breeda (mother-in-law)
Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
First Appearance: Mister Miracle Special #1
Never has it been more true that "no man can shun his destiny" than with Scott Free. From before his birth, it seems, his life has been pre-determined.
As yin to yang, the world of Scott's birth – New Genesis, a planet of light and hope – was at war with Apokolips, a planet of darkness and despair. To cease hostilities, his father, Izaya, also known as Highfather, delivered his infant son to Darkseid, leader of Apokolips, who in turn gave over his only son, Orion. As long as these children dwelt in the proverbial enemy camps, there was a pact of peace between the two worlds.
Darkseid delivered the babe into the hands of Granny Goodness, who gave him the appellation Scott Free. Though she thought it ironic, she had no idea how prophetic that name would be, for Scott's rendezvous with destiny could not be denied. Free met Himon, an inspiration to Scott, for he led a seemingly futile underground movement on Apokolips. He also met Big Barda – leader of Granny's Female Fury Brigade, who sensed something pure and noble within this handsome young man; she thereby helped keeep his defiance a secret.
No matter how much he was beaten in attempts to break his spirit, Scott knew he was meant for more than servitude in Darkseid's Elite Warrior Corps. He could not turn a blind eye to the suffering of others, could not hurt another simply to better his masters, and could not kill someone solely to follow orders. He reached inside, looking for more than his own destiny; he found his own choice, and discovered that, as Emerson said, "Intellect annuls fate. So far as a man thinks, he is free."
Scott later escaped from Granny Goodness, thereby breaking the pact. When you consider that all of Apokolips is a prison, escaping wasn't merely a spectacular feat, it was something short of a miracle. Scott fled to Earth, where he met Thaddeus Brown, the original Mister Miracle, and Oberon, his trusted friend. Unfortunately, Brown was soon killedl after bringing Thaddeus's killers to justice, Scott became Mister Miracle. He and Oberon traveled across the country putting on escape-artist shows, teaching that we make our own jails and that true freedom comes from within.
Barda, too, escaped from Apokolips and was reunited with Scott. Together they battled Darkseid's minions and eventually they were married by Highfather and honeymooned on New Genesis. Scott returned to Earth, and as Mister Miracle, became a member of the new Justice League International, becoming friends with Booster Gold and Blue Beetle. For a time, the Frees had a house in Bailey, New Hampshire, where Scott ran a fix-it shop, but they soon moved back to New York.
Though wanting a quiet, normal life, Scott Free always continues to cheat death, to pull hope from the depths of despair and to fight against the injustices that bind men. He believes as long as one man is denied liberty, no man can be truly free.
Possessing no natural super-powers, Scott Free was trained in the use of all of Apokolips's weapons and is a virtual genius with mechanical devices. He can pick any lock known to man (and many locks unknown to man). Mister Miracle's costume has several lock picks concealed within it, as well as a potpourri of other hidden "tricks" that are constantly being added to and revised.
Like most of the New Gods, Scott owns a Mother Box. It can perform an astounding array of functions including, but by no means limited to, projecting electromagnetic waves, phasing, and short-range teleporting. Scott mostly relies on Mother Box as an advisor and a friend in times of need. Scott's Mother Box is weaved into his hood. Mother Box also controls the Aero Discs which allow Mister Miracle to fly.
Mister Miracle also possesses the multicube, a device that shoots a powerful laser beam, creates sonic vibrations, and releases a strong cable.
It has been said many times before that a hero's greatest strength is his quick mind. In Scott Free, it is more than that, It is his unwillingness to give up, even against the greatest odds. It is his yearning ever to be free and not to rest until all men and creatures enjoy liberty as well.
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