
Name: Wing
Universe: Earth-2
Alter Ego: Wing (last name unknown)
Occupation: Chauffeur, Valet
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: All-Star Squadron, Law's Legionnaires
Base of Operations: New York City
Known Relatives: None
Height: 5 ft. 6 in.
Weight: 140 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
First Appearance: Detective Comics #20

Before coming to the United States, the man known only as Wing lived in Hankow, China. In New York City in 1938, Wing became the chauffeur of Lee Travis, the young publisher of the Globe Leader newspaper. Wing was deeply concerned about the recent conquest of much of China, including Hankow, by Imperial Japan, in which three million of his fellow Chinese had died. As a result of his conversations with Wing on this subject, Travis began to feel that he himself should do more about the war in Asia.

On Sunday, October 30, 1938, Wing drove Travis to a Halloween costume party in New Jersey that was being held to raise money for Chinese victims of war. Travis was dressed as a masked highwayman for the occassion. The party was interrupted by costumed thieves, one of whom murdered Claudia Barker, an acquaintance of Travis. The thieves escaped with the charity proceeds for the Chinese. Travis, still in costume, and Wing, driving Travis' limousine, together went in pursuit of the criminals. With the aid of a farmer, Travis and Wing overcame the thieves and left them for the police.

Travis decided not to reveal that he was the masked man who had gone after the thieves. Rather, he decided to continue wearing the costume to fight criminals as the Crimson Avenger. Wing, who also became Travis' valet, served as his confidante. The Crimson eventually adopted a different costume, and finally Wing donned a costume of his own, which he wore when going into action as the Crimson Avenger's crime-fighting partner. Wing became an "unofficial" member of the team of costumed heroes known as the Law's Legionnaires, and he also served as a member of the wartime All-Star Squadron. The Crimson Avenger was himself a member of both groups.

Finally, Wing heroically sacrificed his life in using a powerful weapon called the nebula-rod to defeat the strange menace called the Nebula-Man.

Wing had no super-powers, but he was a superb hand-to-hand combatant with great expertise in the Chinese martial arts.

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