Name: Johnny Thunder
Universe: Earth-2
Alter Ego: Johnny Thunderbolt
Occupation: Various: Window-Washer, World Heavyweight Boxing Champion, G-Man, Rodeo Rider, U.S. Naval Seaman, Ki
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: Justice Society of America, All-Star Squadron
Base of Operations: New York City
Known Relatives: Simon B. Thunder (father, presumably deceased), Mildred Thunder (mother), two unnamed siblings, Peachy Pet Thunder (adopted daughter)
Height: 5 ft. 11 in.
Weight: 176 lbs.
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
First Appearance: Flash Comics #1
John L. Thunder was born in the Bronx on July 7, 1917, a Saturday – the seventh day of the seventh month in a year ending in a seven, on the seventh day of the week. This coincided with the Seventh Circle of the Moon Lashseen in the calendar of the small Asian country of Badhnisia. Knowing that this would give such a child great potential, the High Priest of Aissor sent agents to kidnap a child born at that time.
Disguised by having his hair and skin darkened, Johnny was spirited away to Badhnisia. There was a ceremony in which a belt bearing the Eternal Zone of the Zodiac was placed on him and the secret words "Cei-U" (pronounced "Say You") spoken seven times. The spell thus cast would take effect on the child’s seventh birthday.
But the neighboring nation of Agolea learned of the child who would one day have the power to conquer the world and launched a war to capture him. The High Priest had Johnny taken by a nurse to a hiding place in a fishing village north of Brunei, Borneo. One day he slipped away and was playing in a small boat when the tides and winds took him out to sea. He was picked up by an American freighter that brought him to New York. There he was identified by a strawberry mark on his left shoulder and returned to his parents (who by now had two younger children).
During the week of his seventh birthday, torrential rains fell all over the world – except on the Thunder home. The High Priest knew this meant that Johnny (who still wore the Zodiac Belt), now had the power. He sent agents to abduct him, but by then Simon Thunder had moved and changed jobs. They didn’t find Johnny until 1939, when he was 22. Though he didn’t yet know it, he could command a magic Thunderbolt.
With his power, Johnny became Heavyweight Champ, but vacated the title to please his girl, Daisy Darling.
His one-day career as a rodeo rider was at Madison Square Garden, when he saved the life of a little blond orphan girl who fell in the path of a rampaging steer. Soon after, he adopted the girl, named Peachy Pet.
Johnny was present at the first meeting of the Justice Society of America and became a sort of mascot – until the Flash resigned his active membership and Johnny was chosen to replace him. During World War II, Johnny joined the U.S. Navy.
When the conflict ended, Johnny was 28 (4 x 7) – a power high. Thus the High Priest waited a year, then cast a spell that gradually reduced the hero’s power over the Thunderbolt, till he was only answering about one call in four. This caused Johnny to resign from the JSA, to be replaced by his friend the Black Canary, whom he had a crush on.
Finally, Johnny’s power vanished entirely. By this time, the King of Badhnisia was dying. The High Priest had Johnny abducted again and cast a spell that forced him to obey the priest’s commands and forbade him to use the Thunderbolt against him. Only then did he restore the power. And when the King died, Johnny was placed on the throne, and the High Priest announced his plans for world conquest.
But Johnny found an out. He sent the Thunderbolt for Superman, who, with the aid of his wife, Lois, overcame the priest. Johnny remained in Badnisia to teach the people about democracy. When their first President was elected, he returned home.
What happened to the Zodiac Belt has not been determined.
When he speaks the words "Say You" (Cei-U), Johnny has absolute power over the genie-like Thunderbolt (who is smarter than Johnny) for one hour.
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