Ghost Patrol
Ghost Patrol

Name: Ghost Patrol
Universe: Earth-2
First Appearance: Flash Comics #29

The Ghost Patrol consists of three former members of the French Foreign Legion known only as Fred, Pedro, and Slim, who, shortly after their deaths, returned to battle Nazi aggression during World War II.

Captian Buehler, a Nazi who had risen to a position of power in the French Foreign Legion, ordered Fred, Pedro, and Slim to bomb native villages in a part of North Africa that was under French control. By having French planes slaughter helpless villagers, Buehler hoped to turn the natives of French North Africa against the French and cause them to sympathize with Nazi Germany.

Henri, a plane mechanic, warned Fred, Pedro, and Slim not to go on this mission, but the trio did anyway. Unwilling to kill women and children, the three friends decided to drop their bombs over uninhabited desert instead. However, Henri, determined to prevent the villages from being bombed, had planted a time bomb aboard their plane. The bomb exploded, killing Fred, Pedro, and Slim, but they discovered that they still existed on this plane as ghosts.

The three ghosts decided that they had been given a second chance in order to fight the Nazis. Throughout World War II, Fred, Pedro, and Slim thwarted Nazi plans as the Ghost Patrol. They did everything from sabotaging invasions to pulling pranks on high Nazi officials.

As ghosts, Fred, Pedro, and Slim could perform such feats as flying, walking through walls, and becoming invisible. They could materialize all or part of themselves in physical form. However, when in physical form, the Ghost Patrollers were vulnerable to injury just as normal living humans are. It is not known whether the Spear of Destiny or the Holy Grail affected the Ghost Patrol members in any way during World War II. (Adolf Hitler and the Japanese Dragon King used these sacred objects to cast a spell that would cause many heroes with supernatural powers to serve the Axis cause should they enter territory controlled by the Axis powers—Germany, Italy, and Japan.)

After the war the Ghost Patrol acted as crimefighters. Their present activities, if any, have not been revealed.

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