Name: Calculator
Universe: Earth-1
Alter Ego: Unknown
Occupation: Professional Criminal
Marital Status: Unknown
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
Known Relatives: None
Height: 5 ft. 11 in.
Weight: 169 lbs.
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
First Appearance: Detective Comics #463
A mysterious figure who appeared seemingly from nowhere, the Calculator moved across the country, committing a series of crimes designed to lure various super-heroes into battle with him. He then allowed himself to be defeated, pressing a special button on the computer console on his chest that would prevent him from ever being captured by that same hero again.
Thus far, the Calculator has fought and been defeated by the Atom, Black Canary, the Elongated Man, Green Arrow, Hawkman, Batman, and Air Wave. At this writing, the Calculator is serving three consecutive life terms at a federal penitentiary.
A mathematical wizard, the Calculator wears a computer terminal on his chest, capable of accurately predicting the actions of any super-heroes, or even the Earth itself. He uses these calculations to plan his various crimes.
The projector in his helmet, linked to his chest computer, is capable of creating an infinite variety of items by solidifying the dust in the air. The Calculator has used this device to create giant fists, fans, etc.
The Calculator is only an average hand-to-hand combatant.