Star Rovers
Star Rovers

Name: Star Rovers
Universe: Earth-1
First Appearance: Mystery in Space #66

Friendly rivals in the 22nd Century, glamor girl/expert marksman Karel Sorensen, playboy/ athlete Rick Purvis and novelist/sportsman Homer Gint roamed the known galaxy seeking adventure.

All were sufficiently wealthy to own personal spacecraft, something of a luxury at that time. Idle, they sought something diverting and found themselves caught up in adventures that threatened the Earth itself.

In an attempt to combat these threats, the group affectionately known as the Star Rovers would experience separate adventures and emerge triumphant, each one convinced only he or she held the proper solution to the main threat.

Usually, however, it was only when they compared theories that the Star Rovers would discover the true solution to their problem.

The group acted independent of any offical Earth organization, and their exploits were mainly unheralded, allowing the trio to enjoy a certain amount of anonymity.

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