Essential Marvel Team-Up Vol. 2 TPB
Essential Marvel Team-Up Vol. 2 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Jim Starlin

<< Comic List >>
Spider-Man/Daredevil: "Three into Two Won't Go"
Human Torch/Thor: "The Fire This Time..."
Spider-Man/Hulk: "A Friend in Need"
Spider-Man/Hercules: "The City Stealers"
Human Torch/Iron Man: "Beware the Coming of... Infinitus"
Spider-Man/Falcon: "All That Glitters Is Not Gold"
Spider-Man/Iron Fist: "For a Few Fists More"
Human Torch/Son of Satan: "All the Fires in Hell..."
Spider-Man: "Anybody Here Know a Guy Named Meteor Man?"
Spider-Man: "Beware the Death Crusade"
Human Torch/Doctor Strange: "Blood Church"
Spider-Man/Frankenstein: "Once Upon a Time, in a Castle..."
Spider-Man: "Snow Death"
Spider-Man/Beast: "Night of the Griffin"
Spider-Man/Human Torch: "Any Number Can Slay"
Spider-Man: "Murder's Better the Second Time Around"
Spider-Man/Scarlet Witch: "A Witch in Time"
Spider-Man/Vision: "Visions of Hate"
Spider-Man/Doctor Doom: "A Past Gone Mad"
Spider-Man: "Death in the Year Before Yesterday"
Spider-Man/Killraven: "Future-Shock"
Spider-Man/Deathlok: "...Am I Now or Have I Ever Been?"
Thing/Spider-Man: "This City -- Afire"
Spider-Man/Thing: "I Have to Fight the Basilisk"
Spider-Man/Iron Man: "A Fine Night for Dying"
Spider-Man/Iron Man: "Madness Is All in the Mind"
Spider-Man/Doctor Strange: "The Mystery of the Wraith"
Spider-Man/Iron Man: "The Trial of The Wraith"

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