Hawkworld #6
Hawkworld #6
Cover Credits
Artist: Graham Nolan

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Title: "Strange Worlds"
Pages: 24

Hawkman (Post-Hawkworld)

Writer: John Ostrander
Writer: Timothy Truman
Artist: Graham Nolan
Letterer: Timothy Harkins
Colorist: Samuel Parsons

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


This story is continued from Hawkworld #5.

Aboard his mothership, Hawkman is transported in a shadow dimension along with the Shadow-Thief. He did this to absorb the energy from the bomb planted by Sands. Inside this dimension Hawkman is attacked by apparitions from his own past.

Meanwhile in orbit around the Earth, Hawkwoman stops the freighter commanded by Jarl from jumping to hyperspace. Had she failed, the Earth would be destroyed from the resulting warp. However, her command ship is outgunned by the freighter, and she must use some fancy piloting to avoid death. Hawkman eventually returns from the shadow dimension with the mothership which then disables the freighter.

Back on Earth Byth learns of Jarl's failure and vows to strike back at Hawkman and Hawkwoman.

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