Hellblazer #9
Hellblazer #9
Cover Credits
Artist: Dave McKean

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Title: "Shot to Hell"
Pages: 24


Writer: Jamie Delano
Penciller: John Ridgway
Inker: Alfredo P. Alcala
Letterer: Todd Klein
Colorist: Lovern Kindzierski

Reprinted In:
John Constantine Hellblazer:Original Sins TPB (1992)
John Constantine, Hellblazer:Original Sins TPB (2011)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)

Guest Appearance(s)

This story takes place on John's 35th birthday and continues in part in Swamp Thing #76.

After his encounter with Nergal, John is depressed and at the brink of despair. He is also haunted by the ghosts of his dead friends. Finally he comes face-to-face with his own ghost who inspires himself to clean up and do what he must.

He visits Zed at the compound of the Resurrection Crusaders. He is unable to convince her to leave, but he does have sex with her. The demon's blood which now courses through his veins, spreads its taint to Zed via the sexual act. This despoils her and will prevent the Crusaders from using her to give birth to a new Christ child.

Guilty over his actions, John returns home and concocts a plan to balance the scales. When the Swamp Thing conveniently appears before him, John explains the plan to the elemental.

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