Marvel Masterworks:Captain America Vol. 3 TPB
Marvel Masterworks:Captain America Vol. 3 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Jim Steranko

<< Comic List >>
Captain America: "When Wakes the Sleeper"
Captain America: "The Sleeper Strikes"
Captain America: "The Weakest Link"
Captain America: "Slave of the Skull"
Captain America: "In the Name of Batroc"
Captain America: "Cap Goes Wild"
Captain America: "If the Past Be Not Dead..."
Captain America: "The Snares of the Trapster"
Captain America: "The Hero That Was"
Captain America: "No Longer Alone"
Captain America: "Tomorrow You Live, Tonight I Die"
Captain America: "Lest We Forget"
Captain America: "The Strange Death of Captain America"

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