Daredevil Epic Collection:Root of Evil TPB
Daredevil Epic Collection:Root of Evil TPB
Cover Credits
Penciller: Ron Wagner
Inker: Bill Reinhold

<< Comic List >>
Daredevil: "Help Unwanted"
Daredevil: "Bearing False Witness"
Elektra: "Quiet Time"
Daredevil: "Not in My Backyard"
Daredevil: "Resurrection of Duty"
Elektra: "Child Care"
Daredevil: "Heart of the Fire"
Elektra: "The Force of the Killer"
Elektra: "Murderer's Bible"
Elektra: "Hour of the Wolf"
Elektra: "She Who Slays"
Daredevil: "Treachery"
Daredevil: "Betrayal"
Daredevil: "Subversion"
Daredevil: "Duplicity"
Daredevil: "Malignancy"
Daredevil: "Recross"
Daredevil: "Old Soldiers"

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