Injustice:Gods Among Us:Year Five:The Complete Collection TPB
Injustice:Gods Among Us:Year Five:The Complete Collection TPB
Cover Credits
Penciller: Brett Booth
Inker: Norman Rapmund

<< Comic List  
Injustice: "Round Up"
Injustice: "Doomsday"
Injustice: "The Enemy of My Enemy"
Injustice: "Dirty Work"
Injustice: "Bait"
Injustice: "Decoy"
Injustice: "Street Fight"
Injustice: "Rage"
Injustice: "Objects in Mirror..."
Injustice: "The Curious Case of Bizarro Superman"
Injustice: "Unusual Suspects"
Injustice: "Three-for-All"
Injustice: "Taking Sides"
Injustice: "Casting Shadows"
Injustice: "Revolutionary"
Injustice: (Revolutionary Part 2)
Injustice: "Of Might and Men"
Injustice: (Unfriended)
Injustice: "Home to Roost"
Injustice: (Doomsday Scenario)
Injustice: "Memorial"
Injustice: "Tempers Flare"
Injustice: "Birthday"
Injustice: (Razor's Edge)
Injustice: "Choices"
Injustice: (Choices Part 2)
Injustice: "Barry"
Injustice: (Taking Sides)
Injustice: "The Clan"
Injustice: "Ares"
Injustice: "Reconstruction"
Injustice: "Thrones"
Injustice: (Commitments)
Injustice: "Surgical Strike"
Injustice: (Barbarian at the Gate)
Injustice: "The Smoking Gun"
Injustice: (Invisible Truths)
Injustice: "The Plan"
Injustice: (Suicide Mission)
Injustice: "A Better World"
Injustice: "Funsies"
Injustice: "The Final Gambit"
Injustice: (Real Justice)

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They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
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