Starman #10
Title: "Dark Knight in Monument Valley"
Pages: 22
Starman (Will Payton)
Writer: Roger Stern
Penciller: Tom Lyle
Inker: Robert Lewis
Letterer: Robert M. Pinaha
Colorist: Michele Wolfman
Feature Character(s)
Guest Star(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- A group of children (no further appearances)
- Several EMTs and police officers (no further appearances)
This story is continued from Starman #9.
The police find Starman's apparently lifeless body and work with local EMTs to revive him. They seemingly fail and think the hero is dead. However, Starman recovers. He just doesn't have a heartbeat as a result of getting his powers.
Once he regains his senses, Starman resumes his pursuit of Blockbuster. On the trail he meets Batman who has come from Gotham City to find Roland Desmond. They compare notes, then track down and defeat the new Blockbuster together.
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