Vigilante #42
Vigilante #42
Cover Credits
Artist: Tod Smith

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Title: "Matters of Life and Death"
Pages: 27

Vigilante (Adrian Chase Post-Crisis)

Writer: Paul Kupperberg
Penciller: Tod Smith
Inker: Rick Burchett
Letterer: Albert Tobias De Guzman
Colorist: Liz Berube

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Peacemaker (last appearance in Vigilante #41; next appearance in Vigilante #43)
  • Stringer (a hired killer; dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • Irv (a killer; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Connie Blaine and Lois Williams (newscasters; no further appearances)
  • Scott Jameson (Vostok's underling; last name not revealed in this story; next appearance in Vigilante #43)
  • Philip Kramer (Vostok's underling; first name not revealed in this story; next appearance in Vigilante #44)

This story continues in Vigilante #43.

The Peacemaker attacks Harry Stein and Valentina Vostok when they are exiting the Capitol Building. Vigilante hears about the attack on the news and catches a train to Washington. On the way, he is assaulted by a killer from Pittsburgh known as the Stringer. Vigilante escapes alive, but his foe dies. Back in Washington, Stein and Vostok fend off another attack by the Peacemaker. They survive, but Peacemaker escapes.

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