Showcase Presents:Justice League of America Vol. 5 TPB
Showcase Presents:Justice League of America Vol. 5 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Nicholas Peter Cardy

<< Comic List >>
Justice League of America: "The Devil in Paradise"
Justice League of America: "Earth's Final Hour"
Justice League of America: "Batman -- King of the World"
Justice League of America: "The Last Survivors of Earth"
Justice League of America: "The Most Dangerous Dreams of All"
Justice League of America: "Plague of the Pale People"
Justice League of America: "Earth -- The Monster-Maker"
Justice League of America: "Solomon Grundy -- The One and Only"
Justice League of America: "Where Strikes Demonfang?"
Justice League of America: "The Private War of Johnny Dune"
Justice League of America: "The Coming of --- Starbreaker"
Justice League of America: "The Day the Earth Screams"
Justice League of America: "No More Tomorrows"
Justice League of America: "Seeds of Destruction"
Justice League of America: "The Unknown Soldier of Victory"
Justice League of America: "The Hand That Shook the World"
Justice League of America: "And One of Us Must Die"
Justice League of America: "A Stranger Walks Among Us"
Justice League of America: "The Shaggy Man Will Get You If You Don't Watch Out"
Justice League of America: "Specter in the Shadows"
Justice League of America: "Wolf in the Fold"

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