Laugh Comics Digest #19
Laugh Comics Digest #19
<< Comic List >>
Betty/Veronica: "Cast Party"
Archie: "How Do You Spell That?"
Jughead: "Trap Flap"
Mr. Weatherbee: "Boob Tube"
Li'l Jinx: "Jungle Girl"
Sabrina: "The Big Fish"
Moose/Dilton Doiley: "A Little Problem"
Josie: "The Movement"
Shrimpy: "Medically Speaking"
Shrimpy: "Seeing the Light"
Betty/Veronica: "Big Day at Poison Oak"
Super Duck: "Blunder the Old Apple Tree"
Hot Dog: "Old Faithful"
Fly: "Magic Eye"
"Catch as Cats Can"
Archie: "Of Sense and Nonsense"
That Wilkin Boy: "The Real Thing"
Betty: "Hush Mush"
Little Archie: "Fight to the Finish"
Big Ethel: "Save Me"
"Not So Dumb Bunny"
Jughead: "Basic Black"
Archie: "White Water Warrior"
Betty/Veronica: "Round Figures"

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