Showcase Presents:Warlord Vol. 1 TPB
Showcase Presents:Warlord Vol. 1 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Mike Grell

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Title: "Battlecry"
Pages: 17

Warlord (of Earth-1)

Writer/Penciller: Mike Grell
Inker: Vince Colletta
Letterer: Ben Oda
Colorist: Adrienne Roy

Reprinted From:
Warlord #20 (1979)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • A clone of Joshua (next appearance in Warlord #21)
  • A group of barbarians (no further appearances)

This story continues in Warlord #21.

Travis Morgan leads his companions to the edge of Skartaris near the north pole where Deimos has taken his son. Deimos causes an earthquake to separate Morgan from most of his men. Only Tara, Machiste, and Mariah join the Warlord in his approach to the castle. Morgan enters alone when the drawbridge collapses behind him.

Before Morgan arrives, Deimos clones Joshua using Atlantean technology. When Morgan and Deimos finally come face-to-face, the Warlord drives his sword into his enemy's chest only to learn that the Mask of Life has made Deimos virtually immortal. The sorcerer then brings out Joshua and uses more technology to instantly age him into adulthood. He then pits father against son.

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