Rip Hunter... Time Master #10

Title: "The Execution of Rip Hunter"
Pages: 25
Rip Hunter (of Earth-1)
Writer: Jack Miller
Artist: John William Ely
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:Rip Hunter, Time Master Vol. 1 TPB (2012)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Emporer Aurelian and a roman army (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Queen Zenobia and the Palmyrans (no further appearances)
- Professor Crane (an archaeologist; no further appearances)
Chap. 2: "Bonnie–Queen of Palmyra"
Chap. 3: "All Hail the Conquering Creature"
Rip Hunter and his team travel to 3rd century Rome to investigate the appearance of a large green flying creature. Upon their arrival, Bonnie is kidnapped by some Palmyrans while Rip, Jeff, and Corky are fought off by the Romans. Corky escapes in the time sphere, while Rip and Jeff are taken as Roman slaves.
Corky helps his friends escape, but they are quickly captured by the Palmyrans and brought before Queen Zenobia. The Queen is identical in appearance to Bonnie, so Rip and Jeff kidnap the queen. Soon, the real Bonnie returns and befriends the Queen.
Rip and the team then help the Palmyrans defend against the Roman army. Rip disguises himself as the green flying creature and negotiates a truce with the Roman Emporer. The Queen is granted a Roman villa and a peace is reached.
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