Detective Comics #391
Title: "The Gal Most Likely to Be -- Batman's Widow"
Pages: 15
Batman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Frank Robbins
Penciller: Bob Brown
Inker: Joe Giella
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:Batman Vol. 5 TPB (2012)
Feature Character(s)
- Mr. Arnold and two henchmen (racketeers; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Virginia Jenkins (last appearance in Detective Comics #380; no further appearances)
- Tim Clark (a trainer; no further appearances)
- Mr. Ravell and Antoine (a restaurant owner and his chef; no further appearances)
- G. Owens and Stephen (a restuarant owner and his maitre de; no further appearances)
Bruce Wayne overhears an extortion plot while at the gym. Mr. Arnold, owner of a food magazine, is threatening to ruin the food of various restaurants unless they pay for overpriced ads in his magazine. Ginny Jenkins the girlfriend of gym trainer Tim Clark was once voted the girl most likely to marry Batman. She is now working for Arnold as a reviewer.
Ginny and Arnold visit the Groaning Board restaurant for dinner. Arnold's men enter the kitchen and threaten to ruin the food. Batman stops them, but the owner is afraid to speak out against Arnold and makes the payoff.
Tim tries to warn Ginny about Arnold, but she doesn't believe him. The following evening when Arnold tries the same scheme at another restaurant Tim dressess as Batman and stops him. However, Arnold's thugs knock Tim out. The real Batman steps in to save Tim and Ginny. He has also gathered evidence to convict Arnold of racketeering. The incident also serves to bring Ginny and Tim back together.
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