Title: "A Victim's Victim"
Pages: 15
Batman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Frank Robbins
Penciller: Bob Brown
Inker: Joe Giella
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:Batman Vol. 5 TPB (2012)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Chance Collins (no further appearances)
- Maxie and Trim (Chance's men; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Dakota Jones (a race car driver; last appearance in Batman #217; no further appearances)
- Miss Atkins (Bruce's secretary; last appearance in Batman #217; no further appearances)
- Scoot Hanson (in flashback; no further appearances)
This story is continued in part from Batman #217 and continues in part in the second story of Detective Comics #394.
Batman begins driving an unmarked turbo-powered sports car in this story.
Dakota Jones, a race car driver, confronts Bruce Wayne in his office at the Wayne Foundation and threatens to kill him. Bruce disarms the one-eyed indian and learns that Jones blames Bruce for the accident which cost him his eye. He was shot during a race and believes Bruce hired to shooter.
Batman investigates and finds shell casing in the car of Scoot Hanson, the driver of Bruce's race car. While searching the car, Chance Collins and his men arrive to remove the evidence. The gambler used a gun concealed in the race car to shoot Jones. Batman battles the crooks. Jones arrives to assist and realizes that Bruce was innocent of wrongdoing. Collins is involved in a car crash while attempting to escape.
Bruce then writes a letter to Dick Grayson to tell him about the case.