Title: "The Alien Invasion from Earth"
Pages: 12
Adam Strange (of Earth-1)
Writer: Dave Wood
Artist: Lee Elias
Reprinted In:
Adam Strange:The Silver Age Omnibus HC (2017)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- A race of aliens (no further appearances)
While preparing to catch the Zeta-Beam to Rann, Adam Strange witnesses aliens land on Earth in search of fuel for their hyper-drives. The aliens intend to collect enough fuel to power a fleet of invasion ships. Before Adam can alert the authorities, the Zeta-Beam takes him to Rann.
After arriving on Rann, Adam quickly discovers that the aliens are there as well. The fuel they are mining is present on Rann. Adam tries to stop the aliens, but he fails and is captured. The Zeta-Beam wears off, allowing him to escape and return to Earth.
Back on his home planet, Adam sets a trap for the aliens. When they return, Adam defeats them and takes away the fuel they stole. He then sends them on their way without the energy for their invasion fleet.