All American Men of War #92

Title: "The Battle Hawk"
Pages: 13
Johnny Cloud (of Earth-1)
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Artist: Irving H. Novick
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Various German pilots (some die in this story; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Top Banana (Tex's pet monkey; no further appearances)
- Hawk-Eye (a hawk; no further appearances)
- The medicine man of Johnny's tribe (appears in flashback; no further appearances)
Flashback Appearance(s)
Johnny is mistakenly referred to as White Cloud in this story.
During a mission, Tex brings his pet monkey onboard his plane. The monkey acts as a spotter for enemy planes. After the battle, Johnny grounds Tex for disregarding regulations.
Later, when Johnny takes off on a solo mission to destroy enemy rocket launchers, he flies through a cloud bank. He opens the cockpit, and a small hawk flies in. The hawk guides Johnny through the clouds to his target. The other men are shocked when Johnny returns to base with a pet of his own.
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