Mystery in Space #88
Title: "The Robot-Wraith of Rann"
Pages: 13
Adam Strange (of Earth-1)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Murphy Anderson
Reprinted In:
DC Super Stars #6 (1976)
Adam Strange Archives Vol. 3 HC (2008)
Adam Strange:The Silver Age Omnibus HC (2017)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- An evil robot intelligence (destroyed in this story; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Thanas Pral (name revealed in this story; last appearance in Mystery in Space #82; no further appearances)
- An unnamed messenger (no further appearances)
Adam Strange returns to Rann with a special metal box containing a present for Alanna. The metal box is then taken over by Thanas Pral, inventor of the flying lens in wraith form. Pral intends to help Adam Strange to prove he has reformed. However, radiation from the Zeta-Beam has given the box an evil intelligence. When Pral animates the box into robot form, he becomes evil.
The robot challenges Adam Strange. Adam finds a way to defeat it using Alpha particles. Pral is able to escape from it, but is still consumed by the evil force. Adam cures Pral, who then devotes himself to helping Adam, serving as Sardath’s assistant.
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