Adventure Comics #251
Title: "A World Without Water"
Pages: 7
Aquaman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Joe Millard
Artist: Ramona Fradon
Reprinted In:
Super DC Giant S-26 (1971)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Dr. Varn and his men (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Admiral Brunt and a Navy doctor (no further appearances)
- Zed-3 and the Science Bureau (no further appearances)
An atomic explosion hurls Aquaman five thousand years into the future. He meets Zed-3, a member of the Science Bureau that is constructing a time machine that could return Aquaman to his own time. Before returning to his own time, Aquaman discovers that water does not exist in the future. Some sea life remains, having adapted to living on land.
When a renegade scientist tries to steal the time machine, Aquaman commands the former sea life to stop him. The animals obey Aquaman and prevent the theft. Aquaman then uses the time machine to return to 1958.
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