Detective Comics #414
Title: "Legend of the Key Hook Lighthouse"
Pages: 15
Batman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Dennis J. O'Neil
Penciller: Irving H. Novick
Inker: Dick Giordano
Reprinted In:
Super Heroes #2 (1980)
Showcase Presents:Batman Vol. 6 TPB (2016)
Feature Character(s)
- General Ruizo and his men (no further appearances)
- Loosy, Arnie, and their two partners (gun runners; no further appearances)
Batman tracks a shipment of guns to Florida. He apprehends the gang. In an effort to save her boyfriend, one of the gun runners offers to take Batman to meet their contact General Ruizo, who wants the guns for a takeover of a South American nation. Batman agrees to the meeting near a lighthouse. When Batman surprises the General's men they shoot at him. Ruizo shoots the girl, but she disables his boat. Batman confronts the General who is blinded by a light from the lighthouse. The lighthouse was empty leading Batman to conclude that a ghost was responsible.
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