Title: "Amazing Return of the I.Q. Gang"
Pages: 15
Hawkman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Murphy Anderson
Reprinted In:
Four Star Spectacular #4 (1976)
Hawkman Archives Vol. 2 HC (2005)
Showcase Presents Hawkman Vol. 1 TPB (2007)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Two prison guards (no further appearances)
Sunlight reactivates Ira Quimby's genius in prison, and he invents an invisibility-creating pinwheel that allows him to escape. I.Q. thwarts Hawkman's attempts to track him via brainwaves, but birds are able to tell the winged duo when I.Q. and his gang steal golden art objects from the National Gold Mining Corporation exhibit.
The gang is easily captured, but I.Q. escapes to lure Hawkman and Hawkgirl into a death-trap net. Although they extricate themselves, the Winged Wonders find that he had also freed his gang. I.Q. next sabotages Hawkman's power to communicate with birds, but Hawkman has left radiation on one of the gang members, and thus he and Hawkgirl find their hide-out.
I.Q. had prepared a roomful of invisibility pinwheels there, which can also become distortion mechanisms, but Katar and Shayera smash these, and so recapture the I.Q. gang.