Title: "A Voyage to Destiny"
Pages: 12
Superman (of Earth-2)
Artist: Ed Dobrotka
Reprinted In:
Superman:The Action Comics Archives Vol. 5 HC (2007)
Superman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 4 HC (2017)
Feature Character(s)
- Black Patch (a pirate; no further appearances)
- Several Japanese soldiers (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Matt Carson (a ship captain; dies in this story; no further appearances)
- Brad Hale (Carson's first mate; no further appearances)
- Roger Carson (Matt's son; no further appearances)
This story takes place in 1939 before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Ship captain Matt Carson has done well in life, but worries that his son Roger is a spoiled playboy. When Carson dies, he wills that Roger must trace the path he followed as a young man in order to earn his inheritance.
Roger goes to sea with Matt's former mate Brad Hale. At port in Madagascar, Roger is attacked by his father's nemesis Black Patch the pirate. Superman has been keeping an eye on Roger and comes to his aid. Roger then continues on his journey.
Roger then takes a job at a rubber company. A group of Japanese soldiers attempt to steal the rubber since they are planning to start a war. Superman helps out again. Later, when Black Patch kidnaps Brad Hale, Roger and Superman both come to the old sailor's aid.
Roger finally completes his journey and earns his inheritance. However, he has also learned much from the experience and decides to pursue his own fortune, so he gives the money to charity. When war breaks out Roger again goes to sea. This time he joins the Navy.