Action Comics #115
Title: "The Toys That Saved the Town"
Pages: 7
Zatara (of Earth-2)
Writer: Joe Samachson
Artist: William F. White
Feature Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Cole (a circus owner; no further appearances)
- Tommy and his father (no further appearances)
- Several unnamed boys (no further appearances)
Zatara meets Mr. Cole, a circus owner who hates toys. Cole refuses to sign an important contract with a man from Zanesville until he takes his son's toys away. When a flood strikes endangering the circus and the town, Zatara uses his magic on the toys. He turns a toy train, plane, and boat into lifesize models operated by the children. The toys then help rescue the townspeople from the flood waters. After his circus animals are saved, Cole changes his mind about toys and signs the contract as he originally intended.
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