Title: "The Adventure of Little Red"
Pages: 10
Superman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Fredric Whitney Ellsworth
Artist: Al Plastino
Reprinted In:
Superman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 7 HC (2023)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Aces Ducey (a gambling czar; no further appearances)
- Stupid Stanley Stetson and other henchmen (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Ducey's Tigers (a football team; no further appearances)
- Little Red Rollins ( a young boy; no further appearances)
A charity football game is to be held between Aces Ducey's Tigers and Big Red Rollins's Bearcats. Aces bets heavily on his team to win, then gets one of his men, Stupid Stanley, to take Rollins out to dinner. Rollins gets sick and can't play. However, Stanley got the entire team sick, which would cause the game to be forfeit.
Red's young brother offers to play for his side along with Superman. However, Aces imposes rules that prevent Superman from blocking, tackling, throwing, kicking, or running with the ball. Under these rules the Tigers take a commanding lead at halftime.
Superman then has Red put on every pad he can find. Then he has Red carry the ball. Superman throws Red himself across the goal line. Using a variety of other clever tricks, Superman and Red win the game without breaking the rules.