Adventure Comics #110
Title: "The Monster and the Mermaid"
Pages: 7
Aquaman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Joe Samachson
Artist: Louis Cazeneuve
Feature Character(s)
- Gooch and Harms (sideshow operators; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Zeb Jones (a sea captain; no further appearances)
- Zeb's daughter (no further appearances)
Aquaman comments that he has never seen a real mermaid in this story. This may indicate that on Earth-2, Tritonis, the Atlantean city of mermen did not exist.
Captain Zeb Jones visits a sideshow attraction featuring an obviously fake sea elephant. He decides to get into the sideshow business himself and soon has a live mermaid on display. The owners of the rival sideshow try to kidnap the girl. Aquaman rescues her, apprehends the kidnappers and advises Jones to stop his sideshow business.
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