Adventure Comics #127
Title: "Mayhem in the Meal-o-Mat"
Pages: 9
Johnny Quick (of Earth-2)
Writer: Don Cameron
Penciller: Mort Meskin
Inker: George Roussos
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Charlie and his men (no further appearances)
- Ace Allen (a gambling racketeer; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Mickey and his partner (ex-soldiers; no further appearances)
Two ex-G.I.'s open an automated eatery in Hillsdale. Their business is booming at the expense of Charlie's Chop-House. Charlie orders his men to sabotage the Meal-o-Mat's operations. The men buy all the nickels, so paying customers can't use the machines. The ex-soldiers turn to Johnny Quick for help.
Johnny raids a gambling ship and retrieves enough nickels for the Meal-o-Mat's customers. When the crooks break the vending machines, Johnny prepares food for the customers himself. The crooks then attack Johnny and lock him in the meat locker. Johnny escapes, rounds up the crooks, and helps the eatery stay in business.
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