Adventure Comics #129
Title: "The Treasure Beneath the Lake"
Pages: 7
Aquaman (of Earth-2)
Artist: John Daly
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Duke and his gang (Duke dies in this story; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Frank Fogarty (no further appearances)
Aquaman visits the lake created by the new Brentwood Dam. Under the water's surface is an old town. Aquaman spots some divers fighting and rescues one of them. The man Frank Fogarty explains that his former partner left a treasure map in his cabin which is now submerged. A gangster named Duke killed Frank's partner and is trying to recover the map.
Aquaman goes after the map himself. He scares off the crooks by pretending to be a ghost. Aquaman finds the map, but Duke captures him. Aquaman is rescued by Ark the seal. He brings down Duke's plane, which crashes into the lake. Aquaman then turns over the map to Fogarty who learns that the treasure was buried forever when the dam was built.
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