Title: "The Cheetah Returns"
Pages: 13
Wonder Woman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Joyce Murchison
Artist: Harry G. Peter
Reprinted In:
Wonder Woman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 2 HC (2017)
Wonder Woman:80 Years of the Amazon Warrior the Deluxe Edition HC (2021)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
Following events in this story, Aphrodite alters the effects of the Venus Girdle causing the wearer to submit only to loving authority.
Wonder Woman is summoned to Reform Island after Priscilla Rich, aka the Cheetah, escapes. The Cheetah's costume is found in the ocean, so she is believed to be drowned. However, Priscilla faked her death and stows away in Wonder Woman's plane. When Wonder Woman finds the Cheetah, she leaves her with police in the Man's World, intending to return her to Reform Island.
However, Cheetah escapes imprisonment and replaces her twin Claudia. She then captures Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor. Wonder Woman is forced into submission by a Venus Girdle. She is able to summon Etta Candy, who helps the Amazon escape. Wonder Woman then defeats the Cheetah. She then returns her foe to Reform Island.