Adventure Comics #189
Title: "The Nautical Treasure Hunt"
Pages: 6
Aquaman (of Earth-2)
Artist: Ramona Fradon
Feature Character(s)
- Two unnamed crooks (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- A group of treasure hunters (no further appearances)
When engine trouble forces a passenger plane to lighten its load, cargo is thrown into the ocean. Amongst the cargo is a chest of diamonds. They are insured, but the insurance company offers a reward for their recovery.
Treasure hunters begin a search for the sunken chest. Aquaman must rescue several inexperienced divers, so he vows to retrieve the chest. When he finds it empty, he suspects that the diamonds were never in the chest. He replaces the diamonds with ice, then returns with the filled chest. The crooks who took the real diamonds give themselves away when they see the ice. They caused the plane trouble in order to jettison the fake ice diamonds, keeping the real ones and the insurance money in the process.
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