Adventure Comics #191
Title: "The Aqua-Cop of the Sea"
Pages: 6
Aquaman (of Earth-2)
Artist: Ramona Fradon
Feature Character(s)
- The Hot-Boat Gang (Luke named; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Various boaters (Alma and Horace named; no further appearances)
Aquaman helps the Coast Guard by becoming a policeman. He begins handing out tickets to reckless boaters. The boaters are angry that Aquaman seems to be targeting them instead of a gang of boat thieves. The gang is disguising their stolen boats, but Aquaman has tagged them while giving tickets. Aquaman is then able to identify the crooks and apprehend them. When the leader tries to escape, Aquaman pulls him over for speeding, which leads to his capture.
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