Adventure Comics #228
Title: "The Floating Hall of Fame"
Pages: 6
Aquaman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Bob Haney
Artist: Ramona Fradon
Feature Character(s)
- Hubert Reese and his men (diamond smugglers; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Captain John (no further appearances)
Captain John puts his collection of driftwood sculptures on display to raise money for charity. Hubert Reese offers to buy the collection after Captain John finishes his Hall of Fame exhibit. Thieves try to steal the driftwood statues, but Aquaman stops them.
When the statues are turned over to Reese, the collector opens secret panels to reveal smuggled diamonds. The thieves switched the statues, in order to get the statues across the border. Aquaman had already discovered the phony statues and is on hand to apprehend Reese when he takes possession of the stolen diamonds.
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