Comic Cavalcade #27
Title: (The Island of Little People)
Pages: 8
Johnny Peril
Artist: Howard Purcell
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- King Kronk and the Moguls (no further appearances)
- Vanda (Kronk's high priest; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Lana (Princess of Loo; no further appearances)
- Lana's people (no further appearances)
This story is a "Just a Story" feature and was not originally titled.
While returing from South America in a small airplane, Johnny Peril is forced to make an emergency landing on a tiny island. He finds a race of tiny people inhabiting the island and rescues Princess Lana from the forces of King Kronk. Johnny befriends Lana and hopes to use his great size to negotiate a peace between the miniature tribes.
Kronk's high priest Vanda concocts a formula to reduce Johnny in size. Then Kronk's forces move in to defeat the Lana's people. Johnny and the princess are to be executed, but the shrinking formula wears off. Johnny regains his size and is able to stop the invading army.
Lana then explains that her customs require Johnny to marry her. Johnny does not want to remain on the island forever. He falls into a troubled sleep, then awakens to find himself back in his plane, high above the ocean. He is unable to find the island again, but he still possesses a locket given to him by Lana.
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