Title: "The Invulnerable Enemy"
Pages: 12
Superman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Otto Binder
Penciller: Wayne Boring
Inker: Stan Kaye
Reprinted In:
Superman Annual #2 (1961)
Best of DC #42 (1983)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- A petrified alien spaceman (no further appearances)
- A group of archaeologists and Barnum Bolton (a sideshow man; no further appearances)
Archaeologists uncover a ten-foot tall petrified alien. While on display, Superman guards the spaceman, but Luthor attacks using a Kryptonite bullet. The bullet strikes the spaceman and awakens him.
After Superman hunts down Luthor, he returns to the spaceman, who is stealing glass and causing damage. Superman finds that the spaceman possesses several powers including: intangibility, invulnerability, flame-breath, and X-ray vision.
After several unsuccessful attempts to stop the alien, Superman realizes the alien is really after ice. He brings a giant iceberg to the spaceman which restores him to health. The spaceman explains that he needs cold to survive and the heat of the Earth caused him to act strangely. Superman sends the man home aboard an ice rocket, before returning to the Daily Planet.