Atom #4
Atom #4
Cover Credits
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Murphy Anderson

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Title: "The Machine That Made 'Miracles'"
Pages: 15

Atom (Ray Palmer of Earth-1)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Murphy Anderson

Reprinted In:
Atom Archives Vol. 1 HC (2001)
Showcase Presents:The Atom Vol. 1 TPB (2007)

Feature Character(s)

Guest Star(s)


  • Two jewel thieves and two hobos (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Entron Kol (a visitor from a sub-atomic universe; no further appearances)
  • Midge (last appearance in Justice League of America #7; next appearance in Justice League of America #18)
  • Two youngsters (Bill named; no further appearances)
  • Mrs. Adrian James (a citizen of Happy Harbor; no further appearances)

Ray Palmer visits Happy Harbor, home of Snapper Carr, to deliver a speech to the graduates of Happy Harbor High. While in town Ray observes Snapper wish for a boat, and the wish comes true. Elsewhere in town, similar events take place.

Hiding as the tiny Atom, Ray helps Snapper track down the source of the "miracles", a small box in a quarry. The box contains Entron Kol, a visitor from a microscopic universe. He used the "miracles" in order to summon help for himself to return home. Snapper assists Entron without knowing the Atom is secretly helping him. The alien returns home, and Snapper is proud of his ability to handle the situation.

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